Monday, October 30, 2006

Pynchon Watch Y2K6: The "more hyperbole than an answering machine full of automated political campaign calls" edition

Thomas Pynchon's new novel Against the Day is the best book ever, according to somebody, somewhere, who hasn't read the whole thing yet. No word on how many books the "battle-toughened novelist" has read.

Oh ho! Yeah, that's right. High-fives all around, once I raise my hand up from that smack-down.

For additional timely (and likely less BS-ish) Pynchon news, such as the first gun-jumpingly real review of the book, check out The Modern Word. They're far more organized than I am, and are counting down the days to the book's release date. Chances are they'll also read the book and say intelligent things about it way before I do. Just guessing. I mean, not that I'm not going to pick up a hardback copy--how often do you get to buy the best! book! ever! the week it's released? But that doesn't mean I have to read the damn thing. I am my own man, people. I got things to do. Things that don't include lounging around all day, believing the hype.

In other news, I started reading Gravity's Rainbow last week.

1 comment:

Norm said...

Good luck. Feel free to call for help if you become enmired in the sticky details of V2 guidance and propulsion, and I can possibly haul you out by lowering a rope from my zeppelin.

Don't ask me about the Poisson statistics, though, I always get that wrong.