Saturday, July 23, 2005


So, seems like BookAngst 101, the anonymous blog of an NYC editor spilling the dirt all rant-like on the publishing biz, has gone the way of something or another; I don't really know, I have yet to actually digest the entire final post. Something about narcissism. (On the Internet? I know, it's hard to believe.)

So then, where are we struggling author-wannabes supposed to go for the inside-scoop on the big bad bastards who reject our works of crazy mad genius? Looks like there's two new blogs out there that might be worth keeping an eye on. The first being Agent 007 On Publishing, in which the blogger claims to be a former editor turned agent. The blog seems focused on the relationships between agents and editors--relationships that, I get the sense that, not even most super published authors really get to know that well. The blog's only been around for a week or two so you can easily catch up on the back-posts over your morning coffee or afternoon whiskey. Or morning whiskey. Whatever. (Via Conversational Reading.)

And then there's Miss Snark, the Literary Agent, a blog "in which Miss Snark vents her wrath on the hapless world of writers and crushes them to sand beneath her T.Rexual heels of stiletto snark". So, uh, you can take from that what you will. Miss Snark's been around a few more weeks than Agent 007, but not so long that you couldn't catch up during your second morning whiskey. Not that I have caught up yet. If nothing else so far I did catch a bit of whimsical advice from this post: "I swear if you write a novel you should reverse the gender of all the characters to see if it makes it more interesting." Which, you know, has all the flavor of a goofy literary exercise that you do but never necessarily do anything with, and yet I find it kind of brilliant. (Of course it made a commenter laugh, but hey ho what the hell.) (Via Return of the Reluctant. Or, uh, possibly via Maud Newton's blog, I can't remember.)

I guess the "Hoax! Hoax!" chant has been cast in both blogs' directions already, as will happen with any anonymous blog, I suspect, but it's worth pointing out. Read with grains of salt nearby.

And in conclusion, what is up with Blogger's spell-check not recognizing the words "blog" or "blogger" or "blogxploitation"? I mean, seriously.

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