Friday, March 30, 2007

The cold

The universe has seen it fit to reward my Angry Week with a not particularly evil but still just nasty enough head cold. Achy, sleepy, sniffly, all that jazz. This is sad to me because it comes at the tail end of what was my Healthiest Winter. Unemployment, and the ensuing sleep-filled nights and relative lack of daytime contact with The Outside World, was totally awesome for keeping me in the clear. Yeah, unemployment was awesome.

Meanwhile: I totally dropped the ball (ha ha) this month on plugging The Morning News Tournament of Books. The final match was just called in favor of The Road by Cormac McCarthy. So if you're wondering if you want to get involved in all this Oprah business, and you're looking for lots of small little commentaries about the book, head that way. I'll excerpt my favorite Judge's Decision here, which is, yes, hilarious and awesome:

DAN CHAON: I’ll go for The Road, at least in part because it includes some excellent recipes.

There's plenty of other Antics over there, for the diligent link-diver. Me, I'm still bitter about last year's elimination of Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro, which probably partially explains why I paid so little attention this year. Grudge much? Yes: much.

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