Sunday, October 23, 2005

Nifty, and hopefully not bloody

There's been some recent restructuring of the sidebar over at Brewed Fresh Daily (seems the site's been even busier than normal lately). The Cleveland blogroll's been moved off to a separate page of the site. Sad? Hardly. Now, there's a Recent NEO section of the sidebar, featuring, as if by magic, or as if by the work of mysterious data-sized gnomes, links to the ten most-recently updated blogs in Cleveland. Nifty! Maybe this will encourage further hither-and-thither relations between the Cleveland area bloggers. Or maybe blog-whores like me will just hog the list, as if challenging the less-frequent bloggers to knock us out of place, resulting in NEO blogger civil warfare, laptops drawn after ten paces across the Detroit-Superior bridge at dawn, bulk purchases at coffee shops across town effectively DOSing blogger functionality, the bloody, bloody works. Or maybe it'll just be one more reason for me to load up Firefox with tabs to skim through when I should be, oh, I don't know, reading books, or something.

And no, this isn't a cheap excuse to keep my name up in the recently updated list...certainly not. Nope. No way, no sir.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I's a grand thing and I'd love to see a little more hither and thither. Good points, all.