Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Just to give an example, right now I'm reading a 300-page section right in the heart of 2666. This part, I think, is the main part of this book. It's largely comprised of short (1- to 2-page) police-style narrations of discovering the bodies of murdered women and then brief explanations as to whether the murderer was found or not. That's mostly what this section is, over and over again.

Well that sounds about as much fun as cleaning up a tickle-factory an hour after a delivery of a thousand barrels full of over-hydrated monkeys. Forgive me, gods of lit-hip, but I think I've just decided that life is too short to spend it reading Bolaño.


Anonymous said...

This line certainly isn't encouraging either: " moves extremely slowly and doesn't have any really compelling characters."

Darby M. Dixon III said...

For reals.