Monday, June 02, 2008
I'm in that annoying "I'm dragging this out way too long, aren't I?" phase of Omega Minor: after g*d knows how many weeks--feels like a thousand--I'm only barely more than 4/7ths of the way through the book. The good news is the book is still good, though not as good (read as: breathlessly disorienting) as those opening hundred pages. There's aspects of the book that trouble me--it can be a little, ah, verbose, from time to time (the book does not in the least feel like a translated work), and it's not quite the action-packed thrill-ride I think I might have thought I was signing on for, and, I mean, not to seem like a prude, but, come on already enough with the penises and the sex-ing--but for the most part I'm with it and plan to be so for however long it takes me to reach the end, at which point I'll promptly swear off long books again for a while for one week before jumping into The Recognitions or some such nonsense.
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My head is usually filled with similar nonsense. As soon as I finished Against the Day, I was tempted to reach for Dhalgren (on the strength of your recommendation)--which I will read soon, just not *tomorrow.*
Dhalgren is good stuff. Probably not right-after-Pynchon good, but.
I'm looking forward to reading Against the Day myself, too. Eventually.
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