Monday, December 03, 2007

Oh sweet shit

Holy shit, TAKE COVER! A William T. Vollmann's about to go superfuckingnova:

The American Academy of Arts and Letters announced Wednesday that [Vollmann] will be given a $250,000 Strauss Living, to be doled out in five equal installments over the next five years. The idea is to allow writers the freedom to write without worry of supporting themselves.

"I accept the Strauss Living with gratitude and relief," Vollmann told academy members. "... It is this tremendous gift which will allow me to focus on what I truly want to do for five years."

Not included in this news story are any details about whether the American people will receive a similar stipend, in order to support them as they try to keep up with Vollmann's soon-to-be-unprecedented output. Dude writes the way you breathe.

Via Edward Champion, who hopes that "this will help [Vollmann] finish up the remaining three dreams left in his Seven Dreams cycle." From my perspective, where I'm looking at Fathers and Crows and Argall over there on my bookshelf, and the other couple Vollmann books on my shelf, and the books that ought to be on my shelf but aren't yet because I haven't seen them in front of me at the bookstore, yet, all I'm hoping is that Vollmann uses his sweet cash to swing by my house to read all his stuff to me for me. (Note to Bill: I'll make coffee.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He'll probably spend half the money on hookers....then finsih THE CLOUD SHIRT and that collection of erotic love stories. IMPERIAL and NOH THEATER are to come out next, I believe.