Thursday, December 07, 2006

Hell is other people

...who come up with ideas like this one.


Erin O'Brien said...

Young man, I'll have you know that in some cultures, fruit flies are considered a delicacy!

Anonymous said...

That is disgusting. But at least fruitflies have very short lifespans.

Barking Kitten said...

Where I work (a nameless, famous university), faculty do research on taste in drosophila and, my personal fave, epilepsy.

In each case I long to ask the same question:

How do you know? How do you know a fruitfly prefers confit to Mickey D's? How can you tell when a microscopic bug seizes?

Hell is other people who worry about these things.

Maureen McHugh said...

I actually know someone whose job it was to give IQ tests to fruit flies. It involved chemicals. Having heard that sitting in the fly room involves, among other things, getting fruit flies up your nose, I think I'll skip the play.