Friday, February 17, 2006

And in other news

It should of course be noted that the best blogging on this blog usually happens by people who aren't me. Case in point: Robert Ellis on Rick Moody & music & writing. Also, Arethusa poses a mind-sploding question.

And while I'm mentioning and replying to comments--an activity I really normally suck at but please don't be offended, whenever you kind people do comment I immediately run outside in my joy and do a sort of arcane dance to thank the blog gods for the kindness of commenters and their comments, which let's just say the dance involves hula-hoops and torches made out of print newspapers and, maybe, just maybe, mystical incantations, and let's leave it at that--let me say that hey Jenny, yeah, I'd totally plan on making the thing with the stuff, but see, I'm kind of double-booked since I have that weekend slated for my annual "Be a huge freaking wuss" thing, see, and, uhm...yeah...ermm...


Anonymous said...

All right, all right. So you can't make the thing with the stuff. I understand. But this absence will go on your permanent record, and could affect your choice of colleges. That's all I'm saying.

Arethusa said...

I got a shout out! Weeeeee.

Anonymous said...

Me, too. I love a response. It makes "life worth bloggin'."

Great site!
I'll be back.

Yours, bloggin' from www.thepublishingcontrarian" and making a few folks huffy.

AKA Wicked Witch of Publishing.