Here's an interview with William Vollmann that's been making the blog-linked rounds.
And here's the fact that that original seven volume set of Rising Up and Rising Down that you'd wished you'd bought when it was in print? You really now wish you'd bought it so you'd maybe be able to think about selling it.
(More random bits of Vollmannishness, as they catch my eye, should appear at my "vollmann" page. I'm trying to sort of create tags for authors to collect the relevant web-stuff as it catches my eye. You'll find a couple more half-baked attempts at this down in the tag cloud down near the bottom of this blog's side bar, which area of the side bar is about all the Web 2.0-y goodness you're likely to see around these parts, the tag cloud and the live feed of my "books" links and my Flickr badge I mean, at least until I hit the lottery and get rich and devote my life to trying to develop the form of this blog into something that masks the huge vacuous core that is its recent content. I wouldn't hold your breath. Though really I would love to do this thing up far fancier than I've been able to do to date, sadly, I think right now the extent of my mad-web coding 1337 knowledge is expressed pretty fully in the random header image script with the text floating over it. Which I'm afraid probably just looks like complete crap in anything but IE or FireFox anyways, so. Uhnm. Right. Anyways if things look painfully slow here lately just go check out the books tag feed down there and see what you might see. Chances are I'm seeing plenty, I'm just completely apathetic about actually saying anything about it other than, hey, look, there's a thing. As much as I totally dig, agree with, fully endorse, and send out a major crap-ton class level "Hallelujah" to the sentiment that we should STFU about blogging about blogging and just bloody well blog already, February, I'm afraid, has had other plans for me, and they involve it making me not even feel all that enthusiastic about, like, feeling enthusiastic. So. Like note that the opening sentence of this post actually originally said "inteview" and I almost left it, not as an ironic commentary on my apathy, but because I was actually just apathetic. But then I fixed it because I was too apathetic to leave it at that. I'd say there's a joke here, a meta-joke maybe, but, hopefully you gave up on this parenthetical already, and are surfing links off my vollmann tag page. Which if you get bored with that you can always hit the "this tag by all users" link somewhere over there, wherever, and be treated to god only knows how much crap. Y'know. So.)
1 comment:
I'm ahead of the trend: I checked out your tags already so I was stuck with finishing the post. :)
Your header looks fine in Camino.
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