Friday, November 25, 2005

If Maud Newton is like "Lord of the Rings" then Thumb Drives and Oven Clocks is like "Pump Up The Volume" if Christian Slater was actually Bjork

The Bookslut blog alerts me (and you) to a new blog written by a guy who lives about two hours from me and so is therefore someone I pretty much have to be nice to because he is in the group of People Who Might Buy Me A Beer Someday Because I Was Nice To Them: Noah Cicero's Get Published or Die Tryin'. With a title like that you know he's got to have the game, and with promised weekly interviews with Tao "Reader of Depressing Books/TDAOC Favorite" Lin, the game is brought:

1. What do you think of the Maud Newton blog?

The Maud Newton blog is like the Lord of the Rings (movie) of blogs. Everyone loves the Lord of the Rings, the movie. It is good vs. evil. In the distance, the sky is red and ominous. People's faces are very serious at all times. You get the feeling that things are really deadly and important. Like people are going to die, and trolls. It is blogging with swords and Elijah Wood. Magic is real and it is used to battle evil but also to have little moments of relief and humor like when the other two hobbits who are not Elijah Wood do something stupid like run into a wall and everyone laughs. At the end, there's that really boring scene that lasts like 2 hours and I turned off the TV and went into my parent's bathroom and took a bath.

Seriously I have absolutely no idea what all of that means, but I know I like it, and that's what counts. Read the rest of the interview for more crazy-mad LOTR-reference stylings.

Other reasons to check out the blog include the fact that

This is also for people who think that people take literature too seriously. That literature should be fun. That reading is actually fun and not something one does to be cool.

and the fact that I do not want to be sent to Gulag.

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