The parentheticals (I've really just gotten too lazy to use Advanced Footnote Technology anymore, if you haven't noticed):
1. (The way I see it, it's common blogger practice to warn you of impending and/or apologize for recent lack of blog activity; so I see no reason why I shouldn't warn you of upcoming and/or apologize for imminent overactive blog activity. So, consider yourself warned. And apologized to. Really. I'm sorry.)
2. (Likely is though, I'll plan on interjecting bits of blogging between chunks of Steve Erickson reading, only to find that I've completely forgetten everything I've meant to blog. But, who knows--maybe I'll scratch out something worth your while. Or at least something that won't really annoy you. Being the proprietor of the crappiest lit/Cleveland blog on this side of the river of your choice, I mostly hope to not annoy you too much. Of course, if you're the type of person easily annoyed by warnings, apologies, parentheticals, or 50x50 abstract images of smoke, then I've already failed you. I won't apologize to you for it though. Unless it would annoy you more if I didn't. In that case, and only in that case, am I sorry.)
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