Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Bullet point rock! Deedly deedly deedly!
  • Chicago was awesome.

  • The concert festival itself was absolutely amazing. So. Much. Fun.

  • The Maureen McHugh/Sarah Willis reading tonight was cool. (Maureen wrote what might be the best thing ever in my copy of Mothers & Other Monsters. It was like an adrenaline shot of writerly encouragement.)

  • I'm still done with Steve Erickson. (And I think I turned Maureen on to Our Ecstatic Days. My reading may be done for a while, but the evangelicism is not!)

  • I am now, coincidentally enough, reading a book by a guy from Cleveland. It's fun. It is, reading-wise, What The Proverbial Doctor Ordered.

  • I'm not sure how I feel about this. (Via BookSlut.)

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