So you say you've worked yourself all up into a fine tizzy because Thumb Drives and Oven Clocks is updated too infrequently? You've got those certain minutes a day you've set aside to read the new posts and it depresses you immensely when there isn't anything new to read? You haven't been receiving your recommended daily dosage of Advanced Footnote Technology? You're thinking of giving up on this little blog and looking elsewhere for fulfillment?
Hey man--that's cool. Let me show you the door. Two doors, actually. I hope you'll consider not locking them behind you, though; I'll likely start updating more frequently again sometime soon and you might like that; though if you do walk through those doors and leave your keys on the counter on your way out, I won't blame you. I know I suck. Or at least, I suck in comparison. If there were no other blogs on the internet...well, I'd still suck, but that's cool.
One Child Left Behind
Brandon Rogers loves Journey, but despite his claims, that doesn't quite sum it up. He writes the blog I would write if, a, I didn't suck, and b, if I was him instead of me. I've laughed out loud multiple times reading his entries, which never fails to cause people at nearby coffee shop tables to quickly relocate away from the crazy man, which means I'm doing a good job of being a counter-cultural iconoclast, or something. His blog is one of those blogs I'd like to go back to the beginning of and read all the way through, except I fear that might be creepy, and I don't want to have my name associated with the creation of the Blog Restraining Order Act of 2005. Also, like me, he sometimes talks to himself on his blog, but he does it in a good way that doesn't make you want to get away from the crazy guy.
Run Jen Run
I think Brandon Rogers hadn't updated for a day or something and I totally flipped out and I started clicking random links from his blogroll and wound up on Jenny Amadeo's site. She's from Chicago, and I've been to Chicago, and I liked the city, so it seems logical I'd like Jen's blog. She writes about jug bands, lawsuits over the near consumption of one's own index finger, and accepting (or not) food-items from strangers. She tells stories, she tells them very well, and she does her part to topple the Starbucks empire.
I write the blog I do BECAUSE I suck. If I didn't suck so bad, I wouldn't have a reason for a blog.
Thanks for the shout!
Hey, I just hope my two readers behave themselves if they head your way. If some people jump over there and start stealin' your liquor and trashin' up the joint, uh, I don't know them. I swear it.
Hey! Thanks for the kind words! And you put me in such good company, too. Now, not only can I stalk Brando from my own blog, I can stalk him from yours as well. Sweet.
FYI - blog restraining orders rarely hold up in court.
Sweet, indeed--it's kind of what I do, here, actually: enhance blogger stalking abilities everywhere. Though I haven't quite figured out where in the mission statement to work that in, yet...
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