Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The Children's Hospital


I really am giving up reading, now. Or, at least, I'm not reading anything else this year that at all contains emotionally disturbing content.

I mean...gee. Gods. Ow.


Anonymous said...

More info, por favor! I've been waiting to read this one.


Anonymous said...

Okay, I am going to avoid your blog for the next however long lest you post something further and I get even an inkling of what's to come... I mean, the thing about reading this book is that I have no freaking idea what it's about and you are the first person I know to have read it. But please, post more on it. And then I will be back here in a week? I think a week or less because I have the week off from work after Friday.

thomsirveaux said...

But you did finish it, right?

'Cause really, no fair if you didn't make it to the bizarre, trippy ending.

Darby M. Dixon III said...

CAAF: Well, I don't know if my latest post is quite what you were looking for, but...

Fusis: If I had a marketing department, I'm not sure what they would do with my ability to drive a loyal reader away. Hee hee!

Derek: Oh yeah. I finished.