I am done with Against the Day. For now. I'll be back. Have been done for a couple weeks, actually. Sorry.
I am reading book two of the Sookie Stackhouse series. Which I find surprisingly unembarrassing, both to read and to admit to reading. I am explicitly remembering what plot is, perhaps for the first time in a decade or so. Being the inspiration for True Blood, they really do raise lots of interesting questions, about story telling and authority and superiority and adaptation. But mostly, there's plot. I like plot. There was a lot of plot in Pynchon, too, of course. But.
I am doing design-related stuff. I did a project on texture. Texture is interesting. Here is a poor photo of my project:
I am not writing. (Much.) (At all.) (These days.) I am not sure how I feel about that, other than sad and agonized and anxious and apathetic.
I am considering doing something absolutely outrageous in November. This will not involve David Bowie. (Unless.)
I am enjoying the shuffle function on my audio-music playing device. Because I am incapable of decisiveness. (More or less.)
I am enjoying grape juice, purchased in Geneva, Ohio.
I am not watching tonight's debate. My mind is already made up. I am either a good American, or a bad American, for this.
I am still unprepared to talk about David Foster Wallace.
I am learning a thing or two about color mixing. Here is a poor photograph of an attempt at transparent mixing, in which the effect might be quite lost:
I am looking forward to The Conduit. This is neither a book nor a movie. This is a video game.
I am probably never going to buy a Kindle.
I am not sure where this is going.
I'm right there with you, at least per the Kindle. I've been "almost about to buy one" since they were released. At first I was worried about missing the tactile pleasures of books, then that I would miss the trophies on my bookshelf. Finally, I heard a rumor that there's a new (better! shinier!) model on the way and decided to hold off.
As for your Bowie-related plans, you are on your own.
Yeah, it's like, I don't want to think about books as part of gadget culture, you know? Not that I should be gotten wrong: I dig me some gadgetry. I own some. But, books, you know? Books. They're things themselves, not collections of data.
I really like the poor photo of your project. i don't know what a Kindle is.
Diane: A) Thanks! B) You are better off for this knowledge. Lack of knowledge. You know what I mean. In which I mean what I mean you don't know.
You know, non-fiction might be something to try.
As for the Kindle, great way to lose books. I must have lost 3 or 4 albums between switching iPods and computers dying.
Marc: Reading or writing non-fiction? I go through brief phases in which I need to ground myself by reading non-fiction but writing it has never much occurred to me. If I can't figure out what to make up anymore, I'm sure I'll never be able to figure out where to land when it comes to facts...though now I think I'm talking to myself more than you, trying to convince myself of something more than I am discussing the truth. Hmm.
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