Thursday, August 14, 2008

When in doubt: doubt. Doubt like a motherfucker.

I've futzed with the layout again. It's still minimalist, but now it's minimalist with what in some quarters might pass itself off as a sort of purpose, some hint of an interest by the blogger in promoting some sort of vaguely coherent design-related agenda. Truth is, it's still a technical experiment, as it always is whenever I get bored and/or frustrated with my writing-related pursuits, but at least it looks like (to my mind) the result of a single experiment, rather than the result of a CSS bomb blowing up in the middle of a halfway house for recovering short attention span addicts.

This pass was made a thousand times easier by my having YUI-ized everything under the hood last time through. Suffice it to say that I think what I've done here this time through will enable some measure of movement away from minimalism, once I decide to re-embrace things again. Things like color. And things. And I'd say "actual content" but I mean, come on.

Three things:

  1. Yes. Everything is beneath the fold. This amuses me. I may be feeling minimal, but when I break fundamental rules, I do so maximally.

  2. I wish I could find the exact pages that inspired me to relocate all the sidebar material into the footer. In lieu of, here's some other examples. Though now truth is I probably ought to have some kind of link at the top that indicates that there are goodies at the bottom of the bag for those brave enough to reach down deep enough. Note to self.

  3. I just noticed that the comments blocks on the post pages are ugly. Much, much louder note to self. Please don't let this stop you from using this post as your chance to tell the world about your new TDAOC-inspired love of and allegiance to minimalist Web design.

More or less later.


Anonymous said...

I like it.

amcorrea said...

Very nice!

That said, I'm still all for the "OMG the language" posts every so often. I completely understand your fear about being "reductionist," but the delight and enthusiasm you have for this book is beautiful to see.

More, please. :)

Darby M. Dixon III said...

I can not say no!