So, like Callie, I've not been blogging much at all recently. Which is a shame because there's a lot of stuff I'd like to blog about. Like, that typewriter I bought a couple weeks ago. (It's really cool, though I haven't played with it as much I would like.) And I'd like to talk about Don Quixote. (I finished it Monday night. For as much as I enjoyed it, and for as often as I found the book tedious, I think I didn't really "get" the book until I read the last ten pages. And those ten pages sort of made me want to re-read the whole thing all over again. Which I probably will do, someday. But not this year. And probably not next year, either. Probably not until I finish reading Pynchon's books...which isn't going to happen this year. Maybe next year, but don't hold me to that.) And there's these short stories I've been reading this week which I'd love to discuss in detail. (If nothing else, Don Quixote has made brevity so appealing to me, right now.) And there's lots of other things going on these days I'm sure I'd love to comment on. (If only I could remember what any of it is.)
Unlike Callie, I can't blame an impending wedding for my blog silence. Nor can I say I have a new staff member on the blog HQ payroll to train, as is the case over at Condalmo.
What I can say is that I have been writing a lot, and that's really got me thrilled. You don't really get to see that writing, but it's there, and its existence makes me happy, and a happy Darby means better blogging, once I find the extra five hours in the day I can devote to blogging. Because, no offense to the "You can sleep when you're dead" crowd? But I'm not giving up those four or five hours of my day in order to blog more. No no. Not gonna do it.
So, you know. Bear with me. I think you can expect more stuff this coming week. (...Though, well, maybe "expect" is a strong word. "Hope for" might be more accurate.)
Finished DQ? That seems fast! But then I'm reading so slowly, only a chapter or two at a time ... I'm curious about those last ten pages.
I've always wondered how the "we're sleep when we're dead crowd" did it...then Donatella Versace went into rehab for coke addiction. Oh, Drugs! Right!
I think the real problem is day jobs. They take up valuable writing/blogging time. Not to mention good reading hours.
Blame day jobs.
Dorothy: I think it took me about four weeks. But then, I'm a one-book-at-a-time guy. So in those four weeks, any reading time I had went straight to DQ. So I was good for a couple 50-75 page single night reading sprees each week, but then there were also the ten pages here, ten pages there sessions. Lunchtime, that sort of thing. So I don't know if it was fast so much as I was determined not to spend forever on the one book.
BK: Yeah, for real, right? I think we need government subsidized litblogging grants.
I used to read that way, one book at a time, and of course, in college and grad school would have to finish long books in a week or so -- but now I'm sloooooow ...
Isn't it...downright be writing? Again? Not just playing around with the words but for realsies?
Congrats on the progress and enjoy every exciting who-knows-what-i'll-write-today moment (or, even better, every i-know exactly-where-i'm-going-to-start tomorrow moment) and to hell with the sleep when you're dead bit. I'd like to be read when I'm dead, thank you. So I've got a lot of work to do!
Hey, you have a way with words! I'll be back. I found you through Baikatis' blogroll.
Callie: Gods yes! I mean, I guess I've been "writing" a lot for a long time...but so much of it winds up on the trash heap (or lingering on my hard drive, in the idle hope that some day I might see some worth in it)...Congrats as well on your own productivity!
Damien: Woo! Welcome aboard! Snacks are on the left, drinks are on the right.
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