Monday, April 16, 2007

The Muttering Retreats - Beachland Tavern - 04-13-2007 - 005

The Muttering Retreats
Originally uploaded by thegrue76.
Tim's brother was taking uber-hi-fi shots with an expensive camera and a Really Big Flash. I was taking unter-lo-fi shots with my little pocket Canon, with the flash turned off. I believe I accidentally caught the flash off the professional camera the moment I took this shot.

Hi-fi + Lo-fi = Totally rock 'n roll.


Anonymous said...

Heya, was Googling "Muttering Retreats" because I was digging what I'd heard of them, and lo and behold!

Darby M. Dixon III said...

Nice! Only, please don't let their being associated with me negatively affect your opinion of them. They're good stuff.