Dan Wickett hooks you up with a link to forthcoming titles from Dalkey Archive Press. Dalkey Archive is, I think, an interesting publisher, one I falsely thought I'd first encountered when I read The Third Policeman earlier this year. (Though in truth it was the Policeman/Lost crossover story that made Dalkey stand out in my mind as a name worth paying attention to.) Turns out I first read a Dalkey-published book back in the angsty halcyon days of 1999, when I read Janice Galloway's The Trick is to Keep Breathing (a book that remains a personal favorite today and one of the first couple books I'm likely to recommend to someone asking for something off my shelves). Then more recently, I read The Age of Wire and String by Ben Marcus (which, though it remains not a personal favorite, is a book I've come to feel I maybe need to take another look at sometime).
I, like approximately 178 percent of the average reading public, tend not to give a damn about who publishes the books I consider buying. (Except for cases when the name of the publisher is something like "Joe Blow's Basement Paperback Romance Novel Self-Press" in which case I use a handy browser hack to convert the Amazon One-Click Order button to a One-Click Oh Dear Lord Get Me Out Of Here Now Now Now button.) But if I ever cleaned out the To Be Read shelves and was looking for someone to guide me through the vast, unkempt wilderness that is literature for a while? Dalkey'd be an interesting press to follow, I think. And if I happen to find a $500 bill on the sidewalk any time soon, well...they have something for that.
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