Thursday, March 23, 2006

Old lit bloggers don't die, they just...well, yeah they do, eventually, but they live on in our minds thanks to the paganesque notion of immortality

I'm...I'm not quite dead yet!

I am, maybe, though, a little bit obsessed.

(I recently read When We Were Orphans. Loved it. Missed half of what I should have caught, though. Dur. I'm about to start re-reading Never Let Me Go. Then, I think it's time, the time has come: time to re-tackle The Unconsoled. Oy!)


Also, quick shout-outs to those who have left some recent comments:

Denny: Leave all-year warmth? What the HUH? Crazy talk.

L Lee Lowe: I have not read Michel Faber. But, I will! Thanks for the suggestion!

Arethusa: Oo! Yeah, I'd been wondering recently if Ishiguro did things other than novels. I need to check that out, definitely.

Also, some fun recent convo at Working With Words. (I secretly get nervous when I find out someone's actually listening to the things I say, and that people might actually read books I suggest. I feel like I suddenly have credibility, but before I get to figure out what to do with it, it's already on the line. Yikes!)

(Also, speaking of credibility: I recently outed myself in a comment at Jen's site. Yeah, I'm that awesome.)


Anonymous said...

You scored MAJOR street cred with me for referencing America's Next Top Model. It's perhaps the best worst show ever made, and I can't stop watching it!

Maureen McHugh said...

I LOVE America's Next Top Model. Although I love Project Runway more.

I don't know what I like better, Janice Dickenson going off the deep end or Tyra yelling at someone. And this season, Jade is one scary woman.

Darby M. Dixon III said...

Jen: Yeah, it's hella bad. But so hella good. I'm not a regular watcher since I don't actually have cable (and if that doesn't sink my street cred levels, I don't know what will). But man when it's on and I'm in the room with it? I'm taking sides.

Maureen: Yeah, Project Runway kills me. Santino! Oh, that loveable BASTARD!