- Four Tet (because sometimes you just gotta kick out the jams and sleep, eat some food, and have some visions)
- The Orb ("Little Fluffy Dublin, doo doo doo, Little Fluffy Dublin, doo doo doo")
- Prefuse 73 ("Female Demands", indeed)
- LCD Soundsystem (only the singles disc; and maybe that Daft Punk song, 'cuz that was pretty bad-ass)
- Aphex Twin on one stereo and Sonic Youth on the other stereo, simultaneously. Because, that makes sense
- Do Make Say Think (ending each night's writing with the last track of Winter Hymn Country Hymn Secret Hymn, "Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!")
- The Radio Dept. ("Lost & Found", indeed)
- Nelly Furtado (because who the hell's gonna tell James Frickin Joyce he can't have some pop with his coffee?)
Friday, December 09, 2005
On reading Ulysses, a very wikki-wikki-wikki! novel, in one month: Day Eight
Bands I suspect James Joyce would listen to while writing Ulysses were he writing the book in 2005 (a non-comprehensive list):
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In high school I made it a point to get as far as I could without doing assigned reading. There were so many other books more worth my time and love. I didn't like being asked tedious questions about the facts of tedious books that simply didn't come alive in my mind. I knew there was so much more to a book than trivia or writing about it for a grade. Assign a book... I'd hate it. Give me a recommended reading list... I might like something there. I avoided Joyce altogether. There was too much talk of him as requisite reading. There was too much talk about his place in the pantheon of 20th cent. literature. There was too much talk about his innate Irish. Then I went to college and learned much more about Joyce and found even more reason to avoid his work. There was too much talk about whether one had read Ulysses or merely shelved it. There were too many books ABOUT Joyce and Ulysses that were even larger than the original works. Now I'm decades out of college and intend to go to my grave... Joyceless or rather Joyce-free. What an iconoclast am I. I applaud your courage though. It is obviously a daunting task and I wish to discover what you, a writer yourself, will take away from it. In 25 words or less? 50? 100? 500? Go nuts. I'll read that for sure.
I've posted a supporting note on my own blog. It is my personal contribution to the publicity craze that should be starting any day to sweep you away. Think "Good Morning America" and "The Today Show." Be prepared for ironic, almost literarily informed questions from David Lettermen.
If my post gets picked up your traffic should grow and this manic desire of yours to end the year with our friend from Dublin will be not only satisfactory from an intellectual perspective, but also entertaining online!
In 25 words or less? 50? 100? 500?
Kevbo: At some point, I'm'a gon'a try ta give ya all four.
manic desire
Mitch: I think you've got the two key words right there to describe this entire affair.
And, thanks for the link & encouragement! I'll totally swipe you a souvenier towel from the green room at Good Morning America!
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